January 2025
At 1 January 2025, there were 73,334 public electric vehicle charging devices available in the UK. Of these, 14,448 were 50kW and above. The Electric vehicle public charging infrastructure statistics: January 2025 publication provides further information on charging devices in the UK.
This map shows the density of charging devices by local authority. Viewing options are all devices, devices per 100,000 population and rapid or faster devices. Where a device has more than one speed of connector, it is classified as the highest-speed available.
Each map follows the same colour scale, with the bottom 20% of local authorities (the ones with the lowest number of devices) in pale yellow, and the top 20% in dark blue.
Use the radio buttons in the bottom left of the map to change view. Click on a local authority to see more information about the devices in that local authority.